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Health care under NRHM in Indira Colony

Distt Health Society Jalandhar alooted PAHAL uncovered or partially covered areas of Indira colony, PAP Complex, Surya Enclave, and Guru Gobing Singh Ave for health awareness activities , prenatal (ANC)and poatnatal care(PNC) under NRHM. Today Dr. Harprit Kaur Chhabra Gynacologist investigated about 50 young ladies along with 20 Pragnent women and provoded them with Iron,Calcium and immunization. She said that over population is the major problems of Slum areas.

Prof Lakhbir Singh said that PAHAl will try to educate the masses for family planning and health care programms. He added that PAHAl will cover more than 10,000 population of above said colonies for RCH.

Today he conducted the second meeting with the eminant persons like President Ms Kheto Devi,Mr Mangat Ram, , Mani RAm, Sai Baba, Shankar Lal. A sha Ram, Om Parkash and Chela Ram. Project Coordinator Mrs Harvinder Kaur told that have conducted household survey of 450 houses and found that most of the pregnant women do not approach gynacologist during nine months of pragnancy and even thae do not take any suppliment like calcium, iron etc. She added that PAHAL will provide them these supplimants and will also go for priodical investigation under NRHM. Ms. Shinderpal Kaur GNM, Kumari Pooja, Kumari Seema conducted the household survey.

Ms. Shinderpal Kaur GNM Providing Health Suppliments to Residents
Professor Lakhbir Singh educating the masses for family planning

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