Jatropha Plantation has great possibilities in the scenario of limited resources of traditional engine fuel” said Prof. Lakhbir Singh President PAHAL. He added that it will have multiple benefits, one side it will be an alternative of diesel and it will also add to the environment also. The researches have proved that biodiesel plant can be cultivated at commercial level. The token saplings were planted near Nirmaan School in Maqsudan to launch “Rukh Lagao, Dharti Bachao” Campaign of year 2010.
Mr. Ravish Kumar Jomadar from Mauritius, Ms. Yama Lau from China, Mr. Karan Narang from India, Ms. Zineb Chaorki from Morocco, Ms. Katarina Samelova from Slovakia, Mr. Christoph Karchar from Switzerland all young environmental interns along with Mrs. Harvinder Kaur Head Nirmaan School, Sanita, Harneet, Liakatbir Singh, Gagandeep Singh participated. It is told that PAHAL will motivate schools and colleges to plant more trees in the current monsoon season.
DMr. Ravish Kumar Jomadar from Mauritius, Ms. Yama Lau from China, Mr. Karan Narang from India, Ms. Zineb Chaorki from Morocco, Ms. Katarina Samelova from Slovakia, Mr. Christoph Karchar from Switzerland all young environmental interns Planting a tree with Prof Lakhbir Singh.