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Blood Donation Camp

Youth organization ‘PAHAL’ organized a Blood Donors Camp in collaboration with Reliance Communications Jinda Road. Dr. Gagandeep Singh BTO, Councilor Sudeep Dhillon Civil Hospital Jalandhar, Blood bank team Jalandhar collected blood in the camp. Prof. Lakhbir Singh President `Pahal’ told that inspite of the efforts of Punjab State AIDS Control Society and Non Govt Organizations Punjab is lagging behind in the Voluntary Blood donation campaign. For provision of 100% voluntary Blood availability, it is required to mobilize 1% population of Punjab to donate blood voluntarily, but still there are .4% population donating blood voluntarily.

He added that we can save 80% lives during the causalities with the pre availability of voluntarily donated blood. 21 young employs of Reliance communications donated blood in this camp. Among others there were Mr Vikrant, Amrendra Singh, Mr Rahul Bharmota Manager PAHAL, Mr Liakatbir Singh, Mr Deepak Kumar and other employs of th corporate. The voluntary Blood donors were honoured with certificates, Momentoes and badges

Dr. Gagandeep Singh BTO, Councilor Sudeep Dhillon Civil Hospital Jalandhar, Blood bank team Jalandhar during blood donation Camp


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