Foreign interns Ms. Cathrine Hong Kong, Ms.Elena Russia, Ms.Na Na France, Ms.Wino Indonesia, Ms. Feni Indonesia, Ms. Johana Poland, Ms.Apurva India, Mr. Dhruv and Mr. Rohan from Lovely Professional University made a joint presentation on different aspects of HIV/AIDS. Every intern introduced a separate aspect of the subject.The students asked so many questions after the completion of the presentation. it is said with UNAIDS reference that New, more accurate estimates of HIV indicate that approximately 2.5 million (2 million3.1 million) people in India were living with HIV in 2006, with national adult HIV prevalence of 0.36%. Although the proportion of people living with HIV is lower than previously estimated, Indias epidemic continues to affect large numbers of people.
There was a AIDS Quiz after the interaction. The presentation was in such a way that it could involve the teen students totally. S. Avtar Singh presided over the program. Among others were MD Surinder Kumar,Mr Manjit Singh, staff members of AIMS PUBLIC SCHOOL and students attended the program.. After the special the school celebrated Teej in the school