World Wetland Day 2017
Youth organization PAHAL observed ‘World Wetland Day 2017’ with the assistance of Punjab State Council for Science & Technology at NIRMAAN school for holistic education Jalandhar. Mr. Liakatbir Singh, ED PAHAL gave information about the wetlands in Punjab while explaining their role in sustaining life on earth. In his keynote address, Prof. Lakhbir Singh president PAHAL said that wetlands are the source of life while giving credit to the biodiversity of flora and fauna in the wetland areas. He further explained how wetlands retain moisture in the air and help in maintaining weather patterns. He acknowledged this year’s theme “Wetlands for disaster prevention” while throwing light on the ways by which wetlands help in prevention of adverse effects of natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunami, floods and droughts etc. He also shared the statistics of Punjab’s area under wetlands which is less than 1% against the required area of 6% of total land mass. Various college students participated in painting competition where themes were ‘Prevention of natural disasters with help of wetlands’, ‘imaginary butterfly park’, Pawan Guru Pani Pita Mata Dhart Mahatt’. Upon the judgement of Prof. Rimpi, Associate professor fine arts department, Prof. Jivan Kumari, HOD Fine arts department and Mrs. Harvinder Kaur, Principal NIRMAAN School for holistic education, Gurwinder won the first prize, Divesh won the third prize and roopa bagged the third prize. Consolation prizes were given to Komal and Himani. S. Liakatbir Singh moderated the stage and the panel discussion in an interactive way. Among other representatives of PAHAL were Smt Rajni, Smt. Neelam & Smt. Tanu Sharma. The number of participants was more than 200 which included the students of PCM SD College Jalandhar and Apeejay College of Fine Arta, Jalandhar.